With over 50 years of experience, an excellent reputation and many student successes we are so much more than a local dance school.
Pupils at Swansea Ballet School travel not only from the local area but also commute from other locations further afield.
Swansea Ballet School has strong connections with London dance training professionals and establishments, fully understanding what is required for those seeking full time dance training and a possible career in the Performing Arts.
Offering classes and examinations through both the ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers in Dancing) and the R.A.D (Royal Academy of Dance) we aim to provide the very best of training for all pupils at all levels.
Our timetable of classes provides a variety of dance and theatre disciplines allowing pupils to train in all styles, something of which today is very important. Our very busy Saturday, allows pupils to attend multiple classes in the various dance and theatre genres.
New classes are also be introduced in Mid 2024 which again will strengthen the opportunities available to Swansea Ballet School pupils.
Very few schools offer such training and we pride ourselves on being able to offer the complete package.